Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby I drown in your love
I'm postinq for my little boy (:
& as he kena called back.
Let me tell his friend or his reader a joke.
BARNABAS YANG SHENG GUANG proposed me for marry at SHOP AND SAVE when I'm paying for stuff. I was like HUH. Arent he CUTE.? YES he is. Wahahas. My boy qotten post out unit. & Is dont know what la. SUCK NIIA. I miss him.

TO YANG YANG this messaq is for you.
My little boy.
Thank you for the patience that you qave.
You qave me so much & let me be.
You are the only boyf on earth that allow qirlf to bully yet didnt say anythinq.
You done so much.
No matter how tired you're you will still wake up to brinq me for my cravinq.
You will run the whole place to find my Doaremon for me.
You will buy thinqs for me when I broke.
You will think for me.
You will qive me booster & my favorite pillows.
You will carry me back to room when I fell aslp in the sofa.
You will do so many thinqs for me.
Thank you baby for quidinq me all alonq.
To the path that I need to talk.
Walkinq to the hardest part of my life.
Walk with me.
The boyf that I showed my true colours to.
The boyf that done so much without complain.
Thank you baby.
I love you ~19o7o8 you are the qreatest qift from God to me.
YES BABY I love you.
Wait till you buy my favorite chocolate & flowers then I will aqree to marry you.
So wait lonq lonq okay (:.
But silently my heart say yes.!
(: I miss you